Shamanic Healing
The Core of My Shamanic Practice Lies in Sound – Rattling, Toning & Drumming, Connecting You to Your Source of Power so you can embark on a Healing Journey.
I strive to step aside, allowing Spirit to guide the Soul on its journey of healing. The healing energy I share emanates from Spirit, and I channel insights in a manner that honors the unique individuality of each client. The Spiritual Tools I employ operate in harmony with the Higher Self, facilitating healing as deemed necessary by the individual’s highest aspects.
With over 36 years of experience, I’ve conducted healings using Reiki and various methods, addressing both soul and physical issues. My love extends to working with animals and the land, enriching the depth of all my practices. I engage in my distinctive approach to Geomancy Readings as well as traditional Geomancy, employing dowsing to clear geopathic stressors from homes, both on-site and through distance healing.
In the course of my traditional Geomancy work, I’ve assisted Spirits in crossing over, witnessing the gentle hand of our Great Spirit guiding departed souls towards their “Path of Spirit” as well as sought connection with the dearly departed in my unique Geomancy Readings.
Communion with the Spirit Animals of this land fuels my Shamanic endeavors. This connection revitalizes my body, infusing my being with power and filling my heart with an overflow of love. This abundance allows me to assist others and continue to embark on my own personal growth with each opportunity.

Singing Bowl used in vibrational sound healing to shift stuck energy.

Shamanic Drum Healing
I share a profound connection with the ancestors of our first nations peoples, attuning to the enduring stress on our beautiful Australian land caused by the historical injustices perpetrated by my tribe of white ancestors. Offering my loving energy to these places becomes a purposeful act, contributing to my own and Gaia’s healing process.
My spiritual calling manifests through Clairaudience, where I hear the chants of the Ancient Ones or the toning of Spirit Guides at a frequency beyond my own. This connection with the Spirit of the Land is an honor, granting me a unique opportunity to deeply engage with nature.
Shamanism, to me, is the art of healing Soul Sickness — in both the people and the land — by collaborating with our Spirit Guides. It involves rewriting the narrative of victimhood and powerlessness, fostering reconciliation and forgiveness, which in turn restores balance within ourselves and our world.
The essence of shamanic healing lies in asking to be healed, allowing intuition to guide us, controlling our thought processes, and trusting in the process. Shamanic healers and tools play a crucial role in anchoring us “Home” on this planet, fostering a life of Peace, Love, and Joy under Divine Rules.
Engaging in Personal Rituals becomes a purifying act, setting intentions and inviting the Divine to collaborate. This practice facilitates forgiveness, love, and the understanding that we are multidimensional beings, deserving of the glory offered to us.
Life’s duality compels us to explore both positive and negative aspects, leading to a transformed perspective, cultivating forgiveness, love, and liberation from negative emotions. Sharing these insights with the community contributes to the collective empowerment needed for a world built on respect and love for all.
In our current times, this equilibrium is crucial. Connecting with our path of power involves allowing our hearts to guide us, making it a daily ritual. This regular practice nurtures our instinctual knowledge, enhancing our ability to care for ourselves and extend that care to those around us.